Create location wise rates by distance(km/ml)

Step 1.

Click on add location to create zone and assign rates.

Step 2.  Under location settings, enter the location details and distance rates by price or item weight.

Step 3. Click on Add to set the respective rates.

Creating rate setup.

  1. Enter zone name
  2. Enter minimum and maximum order values to set rates for range of order values.

For example, Apply rate only if the order value is between $10 - $20.

  1. Enter the minimum and maximum distance to set rates for a particular range of km or miles.

For example, Apply rate only if the customer is within 15-25km radius.

  1. Set delivery rate and rate/distance unit.
  2. Then save it.

Note: When you enter the rate/distance unit then the delivery rate will be base rate + Rate/ distance unit. If you do not mention the rate/distance then the base rate will be the delivery rate.

Let’s say I set the base rate as $5 and rate/distance unit as $2/km. Then the Delivery rate will be $7 for the first km. Then $2 will be added for each kms.

You can create multiple rates as shown below.