1. In Local delivery rate by Zip code app, you can configure the rates based on weight of the product.
  2. Click on the Settings, choose the desired weight format and save it as shown below.

  1. Add a new zone for configuring rates based on weights.

  2. Enter the Zip or postal codes and choose the add rate option under delivery rates by weight.

  1. Enter the delivery rate name, delivery rate and conditions if any based on weight of the product.

For example, We have a delivery rate of 2 dollars when there is a minimum weight of .5 kgs for the respective zip or postal code.

  1. Click add and save it.

When the customer enters the zip or postal code, the rate gets populated as per the weight of the products.

In the picture above, We have configured the weight of the dress (Product) as 2kg for the zip or postal code 72701. So, as per the conditions applied the delivery rate of 2 dollars will show up.